
almost certainly nominated for something somewhere
under construction

hello! it's been a while, hasn't it?

this website is entirely mobile-compatible, but a few pages will look better on a computer.
more information on accessibility

feel free to copy code from any part of my website, though be warned it is a messy mix of bootstrap, javascript and random snippets from all around the web.

i hope you enjoy your stay!  ♡

Pikachu and Pichu flying with balloons.

I am angelic
scented // coffee and caramel pudding
OTF one true fandom Torchwood
unexpected song Ianto Jones
Website guarded by Ianto Jones
NPC Lisa Hallett
rainbow 🌈 black
Barbieland This Barbie is a gyaru!


26/01/2025: two new pages today: a shrine for ianto to replace the one previously hosted on waifu.ist and a game where you can make your own ianto collage online (unfortunately doesn't work on mobile)



Button for The Rift Button for The Rift Button for The Rift

visit my friends!!

Button for Over The Sea Button for Gallifrey

Ianto Jones says...


Between millions of people
around the world I found you.
Don’t forget to remember this day
every time MY FRIEND!
Visit us at http://pikachu.com

Rin Kagamine
The current mood of juette at www.imood.com
Ianto Jones
Ianto Jones